The voices featured here are witnesses of a world that is hurting but also of a world that still has a chance to be healthy and just for all.

Postcards from the Future

To my grand daughter

Dear Felicity

You are 25 now and have grown up through difficult

times with more still to come.

But I’m happy that now there are less wars and nuclear weapons,

and that the climate is healing.

Bon courage!

To Marialosa Tapeuluela

The winds have shifted and the tide has taken the old

sense of isolation out and brought in a new sense of eco-

empowerment and cascading mutual aid. Though we

are till far from world peace, we are presenting an united

front of love, embrace, and ambition. With practice of fe’ unu

and the embrace of fala, may we make our planet safe

and may we call it home for all.

From Emmeline Caplan

Environmental Studies student at the University of Toronto

To Siobhan


I have been serving on our city

council these last 6 years. I’m happy to

say we are beginning to see the interconnections

between our challenges

of homelessness, safety, and food security.

We are even having productive

Conversations between various heads

Of government to find shared solutions

And priorities, and act on these.

Dear Residents of Old Earth

I remember where you stand.

Precarious and unsure.

I will not lie and say that we have regained paradise.

But the paradigm has shifted. I used to be frightened of collapse,

but now I embrace it like an old friend.

Another oil rig fell into the Arctic Sea, that’s 3 this month.

As I harvest tomatoes from an urban garden, I watch a mass of Kudzu

engulfing an abandoned condo.

So residents of Old Earth, I ask you to remember,

that some endings are blessed,

and to not be afraid of decay.